Hi- Point Industries
Proudly manufacturing quality products that help protect our environment.

Our History
Hi- Point Industries was formed in 1983 with the business objective of producing environmentally safe, all-natural oil absorbents for the containment of hydrocarbon spills. In 1984, Oclansorb® was created and our process patented.
Oclansorb® is an organic, nontoxic, non-abrasive, lightweight industrial oil absorbent. Our product is made from naturally occurring blonde sphagnum peat moss, which is harvested from Central Newfoundland, it is the original peat-based absorbent. Oclansorb® has proven to be effective in large spills throughout the world, including the Alaskan Valdez spill and the Deep-Water Horizon spill.
In 1991 Hi- Point Industries was privately incorporated in Newfoundland, Canada. Today the company is still proudly owned and operated by the Butler family.
Since the success of Oclansorb®, Hi- Point Industries has expanded its product line to include numerous environmental and horticultural products. These products are sold both locally and exported to various markets around the world. Hi- Point Industries now manufacturers a complete line of oil response and containment products including:
Absorbent Sorb-Sox and Pillows
Oil Containment Boom & Turbidity Curtain
Spill Kits
Drip Trays & Containment Berms
Industrial Tarps & Covers
Other Custom Products

Interested in Our Products?
Oil Spills are Never Planned. But you can be prepared to act with our quality line of oil spill containment and response products.
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Interested in Becoming a Distributor?
We are always looking for motivated companies and individuals to grow our company with. We have over 30 years experience exporting to and working with distributors around the world.
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